House Captains:
– Joey
– Barina
Vice Captains:
– Kenny
– Kenisha
Staff in Fire House are:
– Ms Harper
– Mr Ricketts
– Ms Phillips
– Ms Barlow
– Ms Poulton
– Ms Isham
- A fantastic sports day was had by all and a big thank you to all the parents who attended to cheer on the children. There was a range of races including obstacle relay, bean bag balance, water relay, egg and spoon, skipping and sprinting. We were amazed by the effort put in by the children and the sportsman ship they showed, win or lose. Congratulations to Fire and Ice who were joint winners of the KS1 sports day and Earth house who won the KS2 sports day!
- This half terms house challenge was a Big Art challenge, where the children collaborated to make larger pieces of art. The children had an amazing time with examples of Andy Warhol style prints being created, children zooming in to complete sections of art work based on the likes of Henri Rousseau, remembrance art was made in memory of the immense sacrifice made by soldiers during World War II, a nature themed collaboration was created and a mosaic of a flower using tissue paper to create a 3D effect was created. The children did a fantastic job, with Earth and Ice being crowned joint winners.
- This half term’s house challenge was all about significant people. The children had to spend their time researching about a famous person. Each year group had a different focus, with some learning about inspirational leaders, others learning about scientists, artists, sports personalities, Queen Elizabeth and even Taylor Swift. The children then had to design a potato head to reflect the person they had found out about, with some creative designs being done. There were some excellent facts and designs shared to the school and the children had a great time creating their own.
- House challenge was the problem solving challenge. The children have taken part in a variety of problem solving activities, ranging from domino challenges, code cracking challenges, shape problems, budget challenges, charades challenges and team challenges. They worked in their houses to complete the challenges and were awarded a finishing position based on their teams performance. The children had a wonderful time, with Ice house finishing as the overall winners.
- In the Art House challenge, we looked at female artists and explored their life before having a go at replicating their impressive works. We split up into our phase house groups and explored the following artists: Year 1 & Year 2: Yayoi Kusama – we used poster paint to create a background colour then used acrylic paint to create a dotted pattern. Year 3 & Year 4: Hilma af Klint – we used oil pastels to create blocks of colour in a mix of different sized circles. Year 5 and 6: Gouache – we used water colours to create the transition of colour in the flower. We painted the backgrounds first then used a water colour wash. The children all worked exceptionally hard on their artist’s replications and showed real artistic flair. Well done everyone!
- On Thursday 14th and 15th December we had a Christmas Fayre house challenge. Each house had to make crafts and items to sell at the Christmas Fayre on the Friday afternoon. The children all worked hard like Santa’s elves to try and be the winning house. Water house made snowman popcorn, reindeer hot chocolate and snowman marshmallows. Earth house made iced biscuits, rice crispy cakes and had a guess the Christmas trees name. Fire house made hook a bauble, rice balloons and Christmas tree books. Ice house made sweet cups, cupcakes and baubles. We all had lots of fun and were proud of our houses teamwork. It was wonderful to see how many parents came to purchase the items the children had made.