Pupils are admitted to the school only after request for a placement from the Local Authority. Pupils will have a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). Occasionally children may be admitted whilst a statement is in progress in exceptional circumstances. Children and parents must visit the school prior to admission to enable both the school and the parents to be sure that the placement can meet the needs of the child. It is not unusual that admission to school from the time that a parent or carer writes to the Local Authority to request for a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an EHCP, until an actual admission date is set, is 3-5 months. It takes time to ask for and receive reports from agencies and other professionals and to formally seek parents’ views. Parents have a right to express a preference for a school but they do not have the right to choose a school for their child.
Moving From Bridge to a New School
Admissions are co-ordinated by the City of Birmingham Education Department, who are also responsible for determining the number of places available. Although placement usually results from a recommendation on a child’s Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education Health Care Plan, the Education Department may request a placement as part of the ongoing assessment process. Children may be admitted at any time in the school year and arrangements to visit the school can be made by contacting the Head Teacher.
If you wish to contact the Special Needs and Assessment and Review Service (SENAR) to discuss the admissions process, please contact 0121 303 5489 or 0121 303 4175.
The Bridge School was formed following the amalgamation of two local primary special schools in September 2006. It is now federated with Brays School and we have a joint Governing Body.
All of the children who attend The Bridge School have a Statement of Special Educational Need or an Education and Health Care Plan. Our school educates 90 children with complex and multiple needs. Children may have Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD), Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) or a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Some children have additional needs including visual impairment and hearing impairment and behaviour difficulties. Children attending our school will usually require augmented and modified curriculum opportunities including an overarching mobility curriculum and a sensory experiential curriculum for our more profound learners. The Bridge School underpins all of its curriculum delivery through continually developing its communication work so that pupils may access their learning in a way personalised to their needs.
We are passionate about meeting the needs of those children with the most complex needs. Our staff provide a caring and safe learning environment and work in partnership with our parents and carers to ensure that all our children are able to reach their full potential.
To download a copy of our school prospectus please click the link below;
Ofsted Reports
Information relating to the latest Ofsted inspection can be viewed on the following website – click here
To download a copy of our latest report please – click here
Parent View
Please use the following link to access the parent view website.
Term Dates
The following page details the important school dates for the 2016-17 academic year. For the latest Birmingham City Council term dates please click here.
Autumn Term 2016
Monday 5 September to Friday 21 October
Half Term
Monday 31 October to Friday 16 December
Spring Term 2017
Tuesday 3 January to Friday 17 February
Half Term
Monday 27 February to Friday 7 April
Summer Term 2017
Monday 24 April to Friday 26 May
Half Term
Monday 5 June to Tuesday 25 July
Training days when school will be closed to children:
- Monday 5 September 2016
- Friday 21 October 2016
- Monday 27 February 2017
- Monday 24 April 2017
- Friday 26 May 2017
Parent Info –
- Useful Contacts
- Admissions
- SEND, Local Offer, Education Health and Care Plans
- Curriculum
- Birmingham Curriculum Agreement
- About our curriculum
- English and Maths
- Thematic Cycle – Link to PDF file (The Bridge)
- Extra-curricular Activities
- Uniform
- Local Authority Transport
- School Day
- Behaviour Policy
- School Rules
- Communication Between Home and School – Copy pdf from The Bridge (change email for each school)
- Health Information
- Home Work Ideas
- Resources
- Parents Pack
- Safeguarding