Reading in KS2

In KS2, Guided Reading continues as Whole Class Reading (WCR), using a text for a two-week cycle. During this time there will be a daily focus on fluency – reading the text daily and encouraging children to read with expression and fluency. There will be a different VIPERS skill focus each day. Again, the questions are carefully planned to enable individuals to develop their understanding, vocabulary.
By the end of KS2 we aim for children to be able to:
- read with confidence, fluency and a good understanding of what they are reading.
- have a developing interest in a variety of reading materials.
- read with confidence to acquire information.
- read spontaneously for enjoyment and pleasure.
- have acquired a wide vocabulary to help them understand much of the world around them.
- meet age related expectations for reading.

Throughout KS2 children will choose and read Accelerated Reader (AR) books that are matched to their ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development).
How does accelerated Reader work?
Your child chooses a book at his/her own reading level and reads this at his/her own pace. Each time they complete a book, they then take a short quiz to assess their comprehension. Passing the quiz is a clear indication that your child has understood what has been read. AR gives both your child and their teachers feedback on their quiz results. This then helps the teacher to set targets and direct ongoing reading practice.
Children using AR choose their own books, rather than having one assigned to them. This makes their reading experience much more personal as they can choose books that are interesting to them. Children can also take quizzes on books that have been read to them e.g. by parents and teachers.
Each half term their ZPD is reassessed through Star Reading Tests which check their reading ability, and a new ZPD given. This then allows them to choose books that are matched to their reading ability. It also allows teachers to monitor your child’s progress and to address any concerns, and celebrate any successes.
According to research, children who read at least 20 minutes a day in school and 20 minutes at home, with a 90% comprehension rate (average percentage correct) on AR quizzes see the greatest gains. Therefore, your child will have 20 minutes of dedicated reading time set aside during each school day. We encourage you to replicate this at home too.