Year 1
Home Learning Provisions

On this page you will find 8 days of pre-planned lessons. There is a daily timetable for each day which outlines the maths, literacy & curriculum lessons expected to be completed that day.
We have attached copies of worksheets here too and you can access these from home or you can collect a Home Learning Pack from school – see Mrs Lillie.
You will find day 1-8 handwriting under the handwriting tab.

The Zoo Vet
Watch the video on the Zoo Vet. Talk to an adult, what did you like about the story? Who is your favourite animal?
Counting in 10s and 2s
Use the videos below to help you count in 10s and 2s
Watch the video below on today’s White Rose lesson on numbers to 50 and complete the worksheet below.
Spr1.5.2 – Numbers to 50
Go on Phonics Bloom and sort the real words from the alien words in the Bob and Obb game.
Log on to Bug Club using your password on the back of your reading diary. Read a book a complete the questions.
Our new topic this term is animals. What do you know about animals?
Think about all the animals that you know about. Talk to an adult at home and tell them where they live.
On your topic sheet, draw pictures of animals and label them. Can you also label where they live? You could draw another page of animals but this time sort them into groups, or write a list of their names and where they live
The Zoo Vet
Today we will be sequencing the story of the Zoo Vet using the worksheets below.
Follow the links below to practice counting in 2s and number bonds to 10.
Follow the link below for today’s work.
Spr1.5.3 – Counting forwards and backwards within 50
This is “Spr1.5.3 – Counting forwards and backwards within 50” by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
Log in to Phonics Play and play on some of the Phonics games such as Treaure and Trash.
Username: Kingsthorne
Password: phonics
Complete the reading comprehension below.
Animal Kingdom
ONLINE VIDEOS – Oak National Academy
Lesson 1– What are living things?
Watch the video first and then complete the sorting activity. Do you think the objects are dead or alive?
The Zoo Vet
Today you will continue sequencing the events in the story using the sheet below.
Today we will be counting in 10s and 2s. Follow the links below.
Spr1.5.4 – Tens and ones
This is “Spr1.5.4 – Tens and ones” by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
Log on to Phonics Play and have a go on Tricky Word Trucks.
Username: Kingsthorne
Password: phonics
Complete the comprehension sheet below.
ICT – Purple Mash
Use the 2Paint program to draw or paint an animal of your choice. Remember to save it when you are happy with it and we can see what you have drawn. We look forward to seeing your pictures.
The Zoo Vet
Today you will be writing simple sentences about the Zoo Vet. Remember you can re watch the video by looking at Day 1’s English section.
Today follow the link to Daily 10. Go to level 2 and the multiplication section. The choose your 10 x table and see if you can answer the questions on some paper.
Today we will be looking at representing numbers to 20. Follow the link below and complete the worksheet.
Spr1.5.5 – Represent numbers to 50
This is “Spr1.5.5 – Represent numbers to 50” by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
Play alien escape on Phonics Bloom using the link below.
Read a book on Bug club and answer the questions.
Log on to Oak Academy online learning
Key Stage 1 – Music – Pulse – lesson 1 – understanding pulse.
The Zoo Vet
Today you will be writing what happens next in the Zoo Vet story, using the picture on the sheet provided.
Start today by counting in 2s and practicing your number bonds to 10. When you have finished watch the Vimeo and complete the worksheets below.
Spr1.6.1 – One more one less
This is “Spr1.6.1 – One more one less” by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
Log on to Phonics Play and play Bob and Obb.
Complete the comprehension task below.
Log onto Oak Academy online learning.
Watch the video.
Key Stage 1 – Science – The animal Kingdom – lesson 2 – What is the difference between an invertebrate and a vertebrate? You will need a pencil and your book (or some paper) and some coloured pencils if you have some too.
There is a quiz at the end for you to have a go at and answer the questions. Happy learning.
The Zoo Vet
Today you will write your own retell of the Zoo Vet story. Remember to tell us about all the animals that are in the story. You can draw a picture after.
Today practice counting in 10s.
Spr1.6.3 – Compare objects to 50
This is “Spr1.6.3 – Compare objects to 50” by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
Log in to Phonics Play and practice Flash Cards Speed Trial.
Flash Cards Speed Trial
Complete the comprehension below.
What I like about me…
Complete the worksheet in your pack. What do you like about yourself? What do you like to do at school?
The Zoo Vet
Today you will be writing about your favourite animal from the story. Try and describe what they look like and why you like them.
Today start by playing place value basket ball on top marks.
Spr1.6.5 – Order numbers within 50
This is “Spr1.6.5 – Order numbers within 50” by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
Play Word Pairs on Phonics Bloom using the link below.
Read a book on Bug Club and answer the questions.
RE- Being a good friend
How are you a good friend? What do you want your friends to be like? Complete the activities below on what makes a good friend and how to be a good friend. Watch the video below on how to be a good friend.
The Zoo Vet
Today complete a reading comprehension on the Zoo Vet. you can choose which one you would like to complete.
Today play caterpillar ordering on Top Marks. Follow the link below.
Spr1.7.2 – Count in 2s
This is “Spr1.7.2 – Count in 2s” by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
Play Sentence Substitution on Phonics Bloom. Follow the link below.
Read a book on Bug Club and answer the questions.
Science- Animals
Watch the videos on the different animal groups. Can you sort the animal pictures in to the correct groups on your sheets?
Days 1-8 handwriting sheets are in this section. Try and have a go at two sheets per day if you can.