Year 2 – Remote Learning Provisions

Year 2

Home Learning Provisions

On this page you will find 8 days of pre-planned lessons. There is a daily timetable for each day which outlines the maths, literacy &  curriculum lessons expected to be completed that day.

Lots of the lessons have resources provided online through videos that you can access for free using the Oak National Academy website.

We have attached copies of worksheets here too and you can access these from home or you can collect a Home Learning Pack from school – see Mrs Lillie.

Miss Millership & Miss Reeves


Learning Focus:

To listen and respond to an information text – TIGERS.

In this lesson, you will listen to and join in with an information text all about tigers with Miss Toole.

Click on the link below to take you straight to the learning video!

Oak National Academy


Warm Up – Counting

Count Back Cat! Skip Count Back by 2, 5, and 10
Day 1


Learning Focus:

Representing and interpreting data using a pictogram

In this lesson, you will create a pictogram and interpret data from this pictogram.

Follow Miss Mitchell as you work through the live lesson, you then have an activity and a quiz to complete.


Click on the link below to take you straight to the learning video!

Oak National Academy


Handwriting Focus – joining from the letter ‘o’


Practise writing each join/word onto your whiteboard or into your learning book!



Learning Focus – Habitats

What are the characteristics of living things?

In this lesson, you will learn what the acronym MRS NERG stands for and learn each of the characteristics of living things. We will then identify and sort a range of living and non-living things.

Follow along with the live lesson and the activities planned. Once you have completed the worksheet, stick this into your learning book.

Click on the link below to take you straight to the learning video!


Learning Focus:

To tell an information text from memory

In this lesson, you will create an information map and ‘step’ the information.

Follow Miss Toole and work along with the video, completing the tasks set. Use your learning book to complete any written tasks.

Click on the link to take you straight to the learning video on Oak National Academy.

Oak National Academy


Warm Up – Daily 10

Get your whiteboard and pen ready just like we do in school! Write numbers 1 to 10 and press play!

Can you score 10 out of 10?

Learning Focus:

Representing and interpreting data on a block diagram and a table

In this lesson, you will interpret data from a block diagram with Miss Mitchell. Follow Miss Mitchell as you work through the live lesson, you then have an activity and a quiz to complete.

Click on the link below to take you straight to the learning video!

Oak National Academy

Five Minute Maths

Five Minute Maths – Arithmetic Skills

Example of 2d + 2d
Watch this video to help you remember the strategy for adding two 2 digit numbers.



Learning Focus: An introduction to drawing

In this lesson, you will think about what it means to be ‘good’ at drawing. You will experiment with mark making in our sketch book and use a variety of media; pencils, crayons, pastels, felt tips and chalk to begin to explore the different outcomes these tools create.

Follow along with Miss Davies, using your learning book to record the activity.

Click on the link below to take you straight to the Oak National Academy video.

Oak National Academy


Learning Focus:

To retrieve information

In this lesson, you will practise your reading strategies and look for clues to infer information about tigers.

Follow Miss Toole and work along with the video, completing the tasks set. Use your learning book to complete any written tasks.

Click on the link to take you straight to the learning video on Oak National Academy.

Oak National Academy


Warm Up – Daily 10

Get your whiteboard and pen ready just like we do in school! Write numbers 1 to 10 and press play!

Can you score 10 out of 10?

Learning Focus

Representing data in a tally chart and pictogram

In this lesson, you will create a tally chart and interpret data from a scaled pictogram. Join in with Miss Mitchell and complete the activities.

Click on the link below to go straight to the online learning page where you will find the video.

Oak National Academy


Handwriting Focus – joining from the letter ‘w’

Practise writing each join/word onto your whiteboard or into your learning book!



Learning Focus: 2Paint

In this video Miss Bridgen will demonstrate your activity. Watch along and join in!

Purple Mash


Learning Focus:

To identify features of an information text (read as a writer)

In this lesson, you will create your information toolkit to help you write your own information text.

Follow Miss Toole and work along with the video, completing the tasks set. Use your learning book to complete any written tasks.

Click on the link to take you straight to the learning video on Oak National Academy.

Oak National Academy


Warm Up – Big Numbers Song

The Big Numbers Song

Learning Focus:

Representing data in a tally chart and block diagram

In this lesson, you will create a block diagram from a tally chart and interpret data from this

with Miss Mitchell. Follow Miss Mitchell as you work through the live lesson, you then have an activity to complete.

Click on the link below to take you straight to the learning video!

Oak National Academy

Five Minute Maths

Five Minute Maths – Arithmetic Skills

Record your answers into your home learning book. Remember the strategies taught in school to solve each question.

Spot the number bond!
Remember to see if there is a number bond in the number sentence, make 10 and add the remaining number.



Learning Focus: Dance – Footprints – an introduction to pathways

In this lesson, you will explore straight and curved pathways, and coordinate different body parts.

Click on the link below so you can watch the learning video.

Oak National Academy


Learning Focus:

To write an information text (Part 1)

In this lesson, you will start to write your own information piece. You will focus on the introduction and identification.

Follow Miss Toole and work along with the video, completing the tasks set. Use your learning book to complete any written tasks.

Click on the link to take you straight to the learning video on Oak National Academy.

Oak National Academy


Warm Up – Daily 10

Get your whiteboard and pen ready just like we do in school! Write numbers 1 to 10 and press play!

Can you score 10 out of 10?

Learning Focus

Interpreting data from scaled pictograms and block diagrams

In this lesson, we will compare block diagrams and pictograms and interpret data from them.

Join in with Miss Mitchell and complete the activities.

Click on the link below to go straight to the online learning page where you will find the video.

Oak National Academy


Handwriting Focus – joining from the descender letters

Practise writing each join/word onto your whiteboard or into your learning book!



What is a microhabitat?

In this lesson, we will learn what a microhabitat is and look at some examples of microhabitats. We will then build our own microhabitat, a bug hotel!

Follow along with the live lesson and the activities planned. Once you have completed the worksheet, stick this into your learning book.

Click on the link below to take you straight to the learning video!

Oak National Academy


Learning Focus:

To write an information text (Part 2)

In this lesson, you will continue your information piece. You will focus on habitat and conservation.

Follow Miss Toole and work along with the video, completing the tasks set. Use your learning book to complete any written tasks.

Click on the link to take you straight to the learning video on Oak National Academy.

Oak National Academy


Warm Up

Count by 2 | Dancing 2’s | Skip Counting by 2 | Count to 100 | Educational Songs | Jack Hartmann

Count to 200 and Exercise! | Jack Hartmann Counting Song | Numbers Song

Learning Focus:

Adding and subtracting ones from a 2-digit number

In this lesson, you will use your knowledge of number bonds within ten to begin deriving facts when adding or subtracting ones from numbers within 100.

Follow Miss Hughes as you work through the live lesson, you then have an activity and a quiz to complete.

Click on the link below to take you straight to the learning video!

Oak National Academy

Five Minute Maths

Five Minute Maths – Arithmetic Skills

Record your answers into your home learning book. Remember the strategies taught in school to solve each question.

Use this video to help guide you with the strategy to use when solving these sums.


Topic – Geography – Around the World

Learning Focus – What is a continent?

In this lesson we are going to be learning about the seven continents. We are going to learn what a Geographer is and how important they are. We will be looking at the seven continents, comparing their size and location on our planet. We will then be learning all about what the equator is. Let’s get started!

Click on the link below to take you straight to the learning video!

Oak National Academy


Learning Focus:

To write an information text (Part 3)

In this lesson, you will finish writing your information piece and edit your work.

Follow Miss Toole and work along with the video, completing the tasks set. Use your learning book to complete any written tasks.

Click on the link to take you straight to the learning video on Oak National Academy.

Oak National Academy


Warm Up – Daily 10

Get your whiteboard and pen ready just like we do in school! Write numbers 1 to 10 and press play!

Can you score 10 out of 10?

Learning Focus:

Adding and subtracting tens from a 2-digit number

In this lesson, you will add and subtract multiples of ten by using number bonds to ten.

Follow Miss Hughes as you work through the live lesson, you then have an activity and a quiz to complete.

Click on the link below to take you straight to the learning video!

Oak National Academy


Handwriting Focus – joining from the letter ‘p’

Practise writing each join/word onto your whiteboard or into your learning book!


Topic – Geography – Around the World

Learning Focus – What is Europe like?

In this lesson we are going to be virtually flying all across Europe, learning more about this wonderful continent. We will be learning all about how many people live in Europe, what food you can eat if you visit and what places you would see. Let’s get started!

Click on the link below to take you straight to the learning video!

Oak National Academy

Europe for Kids | Learn interesting facts and History about the European Continent


Learning Focus:

To add ‘s’ to make nouns plural

In this lesson, you will explore nouns and how you can change them from a singular to a plural by adding ‘s’.

Follow Miss Toole and work along with the video, completing the tasks set. Use your learning book to complete any written tasks.

Click on the link to take you straight to the learning video on Oak National Academy.

Oak National Academy


Warm Up – Daily 10 – Doubles to 10

Get your whiteboard and pen ready just like we do in school! Write numbers 1 to 10 and press play!

Can you score 10 out of 10?

Count Back Cat! Skip Count Back by 2, 5, and 10

Learning Focus:

Adding two 2-digit numbers

In this lesson, you will identify which known number bonds will help us to add two 2-digit numbers and use known facts to derive new addition facts.

Follow Miss Hughes as you work through the live lesson, you then have an activity and a quiz to complete.

Click on the link below to take you straight to the learning video!

Oak National Academy

Five Minute Maths

Five Minute Maths – Arithmetic Skills

Record your answers into your home learning book. Remember the strategies taught in school to solve each question.


Topic – Geography – Around the World

Learning Focus – What is Australia like?

In this lesson, we are going to be virtually flying to Australia; the continent is also known as Oceania and Australasia. Today, we are learning more about this small continent. First, we will be filling our brains with facts about the population, how many countries are in Australia and the currency they use. Then we will be looking at the interesting animals and landmarks you could see if you visited Australia

Click on the link below to take you straight to the learning video!

Oak National Academy

Australia | Destination World