Year 4
Home Learning Provisions
Welcome to Year 4’s Home Learning.
These activities are for children who need to self-isolate at home.
The activities are split into each day, starting with Day 1.
You should complete these in order and only on the days that you would normally be attending school.
Lots of the lessons have resources provided online through videos that you can access for free. We have attached copies of worksheets and you can access these online or if you prefer, you can collect a Home Learning Pack from school – see Mrs Lillie.
Ms Phillips & Miss Ashcroft
Learning: To identify and use nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.
1. Watch the teaching video.
2. Complete the tasks when prompted by the video.
Read Chapter 14 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
If possible, read the chapter to someone at home and when you have finished summarise the main events.
You can have the chapter read to you by listening to the video below.
1. Practise your Times Tables on TTRS.
2. Complete your 5MM.
3. Watch the teaching video.
4. Complete the Tasksheet.
Complete the first activity with someone in your family to practice counting to 100 in French.
Complete the second activity by yourself to practice writing numbers to 100 in French.
Learning: To identify and use expanded noun phrases.
1. Watch the teaching video.
2. Complete the tasks when prompted by the video.
Read Chapter 14 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
If possible, read the chapter to someone at home and when you have finished summarise the main events.
You can have the chapter read to you by listening to the video below.
1. Practise your Times Tables on TTRS.
2. Complete your 5MM.
3. Watch the teaching video.
4. Complete the Tasksheet.
Learning: To know the properties of solids, liquids and gases.
1. Watch the teaching video.
2. Complete the tasks when prompted by the video.
Learning: To identify and use ‘being’ verbs.
1. Watch the teaching video.
2. Complete the tasks when prompted by the video.
Read Chapter 14 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
If possible, read the chapter to someone at home and when you have finished summarise the main events.
You can have the chapter read to you by listening to the video below.
1. Practise your Times Tables on TTRS.
2. Complete your 5MM.
3. Watch the teaching video.
4. Complete the Tasksheet.
In today’s PE lesson, you are going to be practising a range of gymnastics movements.
Join in by following the instructions in the video.
Learning: To identify and use prepositions.
1. Watch the teaching video.
2. Complete the tasks when prompted by the video.
Read Chapter 14 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
If possible, read the chapter to someone at home and when you have finished summarise the main events.
You can have the chapter read to you by listening to the video below.
1. Practise your Times Tables on TTRS.
2. Complete your 5MM.
3. Watch the teaching video.
4. Complete the Tasksheet.
1. Watch the video to learn about the development of Ancient Greek pottery.
2. Design your own vase in the style of Ancient Greek pottery. Use the inspiration sheet to help you with your design.
Learning: To identify and use conjunctions.
1. Watch the teaching video.
2. Complete the tasks when prompted by the video.
Read Chapter 14 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
If possible, read the chapter to someone at home and when you have finished summarise the main events.
You can have the chapter read to you by listening to the video below.
1. Practise your Times Tables on TTRS.
2. Complete your 5MM.
3. Watch the teaching video.
4. Complete the Tasksheet.
Watch the video lesson explaining spreadsheets. There is a task to complete based on the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet itself and task sheet are also available in the paper pack.
Learning: To understand how to use apostrophes for contraction.
1. Watch the teaching video.
2. Complete the tasks when prompted by the video.
Read Chapter 14 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
If possible, read the chapter to someone at home and when you have finished summarise the main events.
You can have the chapter read to you by listening to the video below.
1. Practise your Times Tables on TTRS.
2. Complete your 5MM.
3. Watch the teaching video.
4. Complete the Tasksheet.
1. Watch the teaching video.
2. Complete the task using the tasksheet when prompted by the teaching video.
3. Test your learning by completing the quiz.
Learning: To understand how to use apostrophes for possession.
1. Watch the teaching video.
2. Complete the tasks when prompted by the video.
Read Chapter 14 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
If possible, read the chapter to someone at home and when you have finished summarise the main events.
You can have the chapter read to you by listening to the video below.
1. Practise your Times Tables on TTRS.
2. Complete your 5MM.
3. Watch the teaching video.
4. Complete the Tasksheet.
Learning: To understand how particles behave inside solids, liquids and gases.
1. Complete the quiz to see how much you have remembered from the last lesson.
2. Watch the teaching video.
3. Complete the tasks when prompted by the video.
Learning: To identify and use apostrophes for contraction and possession.
1. Watch the teaching video.
2. Complete the tasks when prompted by the video.
Read Chapter 14 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
If possible, read the chapter to someone at home and when you have finished summarise the main events.
You can have the chapter read to you by listening to the video below.
1. Practise your Times Tables on TTRS.
2. Complete your 5MM.
3. Watch the teaching video.
4. Complete the Tasksheet.
In today’s PE lesson, you are going to be practising different movements.
Join in by following the instructions in the video.