Year 6 – Remote Learning Provisions

Year 6

Home Learning Provisions

Welcome to Year 6’s Home Learning.

These activities are for children who need to self-isolate at home.

The activities are split into each day, starting with Day 1.

You should complete these in order and only on the days that you would normally be attending school.

Lots of the lessons have resources provided online through videos that you can access for free. We have attached copies of worksheets and you can access these online or if you prefer, you can collect a Home Learning Pack from school – see Mrs Lillie.

Mr Marshall, Mrs Dixon, Mrs Willmore and Mrs Brooks


LO: To analyse a film clip and order a story

Today you are going to watch a clip of a short film called ‘The Robin’ which will form the basis of your writing over the next 8 days.

First, you will do a vocabulary warm up to generate some ideas that you can use later. Then you will watch the clip and think carefully about what has happened.

Next, you will order the events of the story to show that you have understood and then you will practise writing some sentences based on this.

Follow the link below to get started smiley

Robin Lesson 1


Maths lesson 1
1)Go onto TT Rockstars for 10 minutes and practise your timetables.

2) Try the Five Minute Maths in your journal.

3) Watch the online lesson and attempt the questions.

TT Rockstars

Spr6.10.1 – Using ratio language
Ration lesson 1


LO: To engage with the text.

We are going to be reading ‘The Giant’s Necklace’ by Michael Morpurgo for the next few days.

Today, we are going to begin to understand the story by familiarising ourselves with the author, the text and some key vocabulary.

Reading Lesson 1


Follow the online lesson by clicking on the link below. Record your answers and notes in your journal with the date at the top.

Science Lesson 1


LO: To explore complex sentences.

Today you are going to write some complex sentences using the clip we watched yesterday, ‘The Robin’.

First, you will do a writing warm up to remind you of what phrases and clauses are and how to identify them.

Next, you will investigate adverbial complex sentences and find out what they are.

Finally, you will write some of your own.

Follow the link below to get started smiley

Robin Lesson 2


Maths lesson 2
1)Go onto TT Rockstars for 10 minutes and practise your timetables.

2) Try the Five Minute Maths in your journal.

3) Watch the online lesson and attempt the questions in your journal.

TT Rockstars

Spr6.10.2 – Ratio and fractions
Ratio lesson 2

Guided Reading

LO: To read a text and make inferences.

In this lesson, we will read the opening part of The Giant’s Necklace. We will try to understand the main character’s personality by analysing language and a conversation between the main character and her mother.

Reading Lesson 2


Follow the online lesson by clicking on the link below. Record your answers and notes in your journal with the date at the top.

French Lesson 1


LO: To generate appropriate vocabulary.

Today you are going to generate appropriate vocabulary based on the clip we are using, ‘The Robin’.

First, you will do a writing warm up to remind you of word classes and how they can help us with creating an expanded noun phrase.

Next, you will generate vocabulary for both the characters and the setting.

Finally, you will write some of your own sentences using some of the vocabulary you have generated.

Follow the link below to get started smiley

Robin Lesson 3


Maths lesson 3
1)Go onto TT Rockstars for 10 minutes and practise your timetables.

2) Try the Five Minute Maths in your journal.

3) Watch the online lesson and attempt the questions.

TT Rockstars

Spr6.10.3 – Introducing the ratio symbol
Ration lesson 3

Guided Reading

LO: To read a text and make inferences.

In this lesson, we will read the next part of the story. We will focus on exploring character and looking at language.

Reading Lesson 3


8 Minute Kids Workout With Spiderman | The Body Coach TV
Try this 8 minute kids workout with Spiderman


LO: To develop an understanding of vocabulary associated with the countryside.


Today you are going to learn some new vocabulary based on the clip we are using, ‘The Robin’.


First, you will learn three new words, which will be useful for you to use in your writing.

Next, you will identify word pairs and synonyms.

Finally, you will apply this new vocabulary in sentences.

Follow the link below to get started smiley

Robin Lesson 4


Arithmetic lesson
I can answer arithmetic questions.

Guided Reading

LO: To analyse a setting.

In this lesson, we will read the next part of the story and form an impression of the setting. We will also make a prediction of what is going to happen next.

Reading Lesson 4


Follow the online lesson by clicking on the link below. Record your answers and notes in your journal with the date at the top.



LO: To plan the opening of a story.

Today you are going to plan the opening of a story based on the clip we are using, ‘The Robin’.

First, you will do a writing warm up to remind you of adverbs and how you can use them to open sentences.

Next, you will order the different parts of the opening.

Then, you will plan each part of the opening.

Finally, you will practise the sentences you have come up with by saying them out loud. (Orally)

Follow the link below to get started smiley

Robin Lesson 5


Maths lesson 5
1)Go onto TT Rockstars for 10 minutes and practise your timetables.

2) Try the Five Minute Maths in your journal.

3) Watch the online lesson and attempt the questions.

TT Rockstars

Spr6.10.5 – Calculating ratio
Ration lesson 5

Guided Reading

To read, comprehend and respond to a text.

In this lesson, we will consider what part of the story we are up to. We will then read the next part of the story and consider whether our predictions were correct.

Reading Lesson 5



LO: To write the opening of a story.

Today you are going to write the opening of a story based on ‘The Robin,’ using the planning you did yesterday.

First, you will do a writing warm up to focus on using relative clauses.

Next, you will order the events of the opening.

Then, you will write each part of the opening.

Finally, you will read back what you have written to ensure it makes sense.

Follow the link below to get started


Maths Lesson 5
1)Go onto TT Rockstars for 10 minutes and practise your timetables.

2) Try the Five Minute Maths in your journal.

3) Watch the online lesson and attempt the questions.

Ratio & Proportion Problems

Guided Reading

To engage with a text

In this lesson, we will analyse the opening pages of Greenling by Levi Pinfold.


Follow the online lesson by clicking on the link below. Record your answers and notes in your journal with the date at the top.


LO: To plan the build up of the story.

Today you are going to plan the build up to the story we are writing based on the clip, ‘The Robin’.

First, you will do a writing warm up to remind you of how to use apostrophes correctly.

Next, you will order the different parts of the build up.

Then, you will plan each part of the build up.

Finally, you will practise your sentences out loud to check they make sense.

Follow the link below to get started


Maths Lesson 5
1)Go onto TT Rockstars for 10 minutes and practise your timetables.

2) Try the Five Minute Maths in your journal.

3) Watch the online lesson and attempt the questions.

Ratio & Proportion Problems

Guided Reading

To Analyse Character

In this lesson, we will explore how the different characters in Greenling react to the title character.


Log onto Purple Mash via the link below and click on your 2Dos task.

 The task is called ‘Quiz Show’.


LO: To write the build up of the story.

Today you are going to write the build up to the story we are writing based on the clip, ‘The Robin’.

First, you will do a writing warm up to remind you of how to use appropriate time conjunctions to move your writing along.

Next, you will order the different parts of the build up.

Then, you will write each part of the build up.

Finally, you will read back your writing out loud to check it makes sense.

Follow the link below to get started


I can answer arithmetic questions.

Guided Reading

LO: To analyse a text

In this lesson, we will analyse how the characters in the book ‘Greenling’ change their opinion of Greenling.


Login to your Yumu account and attempt the assignment entitled ‘Plastic’.